Blue and Gold Waffle Feed is Sunday, March 16 9:00 am - 12:30 pm in the Canby High School cafeteria.
2 days ago, Canby School District
Blue & Gold Waffle Feed March 16 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
The YAMS have been busy! Canby YAMS (Youth Against Misusing Substances) decorated cookies for the nursing home and Sylvan place for Christmas. YAMS members also participated in Sticker Shock which is placing stickers on beer cases reminding adults to not purchase for minors.
26 days ago, Renee Frazeur
Sticker Shock
Due to the weather, Canby Public Schools will be dismissing school at 12:30 at the elementary and 12:45 pm at the high school.
27 days ago, Canby School District
Canby Public Schools
Online tickets for the Redwood Riot may be purchased at
28 days ago, Perry Fink
The school board adjusted the calendar to make Friday, December 20th an early dismissal for the holiday break. School will dismiss at the elementary at 12:45 pm and the high school at 1:00 pm.
30 days ago, Canby School District
Canby Public Schools
For online tickets Jan 3 LQPV dance competition
30 days ago, Perry Fink
about 1 month ago, Perry Fink
The Christmas Concerts will be streamed live on our Hudl page. There is no charge for the Christmas concert online. Directions for accessing the concerts is as follows: 1. Go to 2. In the upper right hand corner click on Event Streaming. 3. In the center of the page click on Video. 4. Then click on the appropriate concert. Or click on the following links: Grades K-3 Concert streaming link: Grades 4-6 Concert Streaming link:
about 1 month ago, Ryan Arndt
A reminder of the upcoming concerts this week that are held at the Elementary cafeteria please enter through Door #1. Doors will open at 1 p.m. There will be cookies and punch in the gym after the 1:30 concerts are done. Also, all students will be attending the concerts for the morning rehearsals. Please do not go to classrooms to bring siblings to the afternoon concert since they have already seen it. K-3 Concert is December 12th at 1:30 p.m. Rehearsal is December 12th at 9 a.m. Grades 4-6 Concert is December 13th at 1:30 p.m. Rehearsal is December 13th at 9 a.m.
about 1 month ago, Ryan Arndt
YAMS held their 2nd annual Penny War and raised $721 ! This year the seniors won the Penny War. Proceeds from this year's competition went to With Angel Wings. Pictured are YAMS officers Courtney Antony, Blake Giese and Natalie Stoks (Missing: Grace Hanson) with Natalie Delmonico and Brittany Pridal from With Angel Wings.
about 1 month ago, Renee Frazeur
Penny War
The YAMS are sponsoring a Penny War this week at CHS! Pennies and paper money are positive points and silver coins are negative points. Each class and the staff have a jar. Bring your donations to see your class points grow (and donate silver coins to the other classes to bring their points down!) The winning class will receive rolls. All proceeds will go to With Angel Wings, a local non-profit supporting families who have lost children.
about 1 month ago, Renee Frazeur
Penny War Jars
Thank you to everyone that participated in Bingo for Books this year. We had a tremendous turnout and great support for the book fair!!!!!
about 2 months ago, Ryan Arndt
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
This is a reminder that Wednesday, November 27 is an early dismissal for teacher in-service. The elementary will dismiss at 12:45 pm and the high school dismisses at 1:00 pm.
about 2 months ago, Canby School District
Canby Public Schools
For American Education Week, the students had a dress like their favorite teacher day. It was a lot of fun to see our students dressed as some of their favorite teachers. Here are a few of these students and teachers. Happy American Education Week!
about 2 months ago, Canby School District
Dress like teacher day
Dress like teacher picture
Dress like teacher day picture
Dress like favorite teacher picture
Dress like favorite teacher picture
Dress like favorite teacher day
Dress like favorite teacher day
Dress like favorite teacher day
The YAMS sponsored a Game Night on November 19 for all 9th-12th Graders. Winners of the Bean Bag Tournament were: 2nd place - Addison Driessen and Karli Wollum, and 1st place - Cash Antony and Dyllon Christianson.
about 2 months ago, Renee Frazeur
Game Night
Game Night
Game Night
Game Night
Game Night
Game Night
This morning during the Veteran's Day program, Canby Public and St. Peter's schools took time to honor and remember all of our Veterans. Thank you to all Veterans for your service!
2 months ago, Canby School District
Veterans Day Speaker
Military Gear History Display
Poppies made by Canby Elementary Students
Congratulations to the athletes and coaches of the Canby-Minneota Girls' Cross Country team! The team capped off a great year of running by finishing 14th as a team on Saturday at the state meet in St. Paul.
2 months ago, Canby School District
Canby Girls' Cross Country Team State Meet Photograph
Parents and students – we need your input! The Canby School District was awarded a grant from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to create a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Plan. We are working to identify a list of potential infrastructure and non-infrastructure solutions to help more children walk and bicycle safely to and from our school. This five-minute survey will help us identify which needs are most important to our students and parents! Take the survey here:
2 months ago, Canby School District
Digital tickets for Thursday's Sub Section finals VB game can be purchased at There will be no cash tickets.
3 months ago, Perry Fink