Our mission is to promote healty and substance-free youth by offering alternatives and education to our peers and being contributing members of our community, at the same time changing our communities perception on youth.
Talk with your children, not to them - always listen.
Always tell your children how much you love them and always discuss your feelings with them.
Encourage your children to talk about their feelings (be it anger, sadness, fear, happiness, etc.)
Never threaten your child - for example 'if you do drugs I'll punish you! Explain to them why you don't want them to use drugs.
Encourage your child's curiosity and answer their 'why' questions; never answer 'because I said so' - if you don't know the answer find it!
Hug your children, display affection in front of them and to them.
Eat together as a family as much as possible.
Have family outings weekly, monthly and annually. This gives your children something to look forward to.
Be a positive role model.
Set a good example; Don't lead your child to believe that you are perfect and infallible.
Keep your home atmosphere organized rather than in a state of chaos.
Respect your child's feelings and don't belittle them. Instead, use praise or positive reinforcement for their good behavior.
Help your children learn form their mistakes rather than make them feel their mistakes are unforgivable or unacceptable.
Allow your child to experience "Life" - adventure, challenge, failure, frustration, discouragement, etc. Children learn from such experiences so don't be overprotective.
Let your children pick up after themselves. Encourage them to accept responsibility and thank them when they make a sincere effort to solve a difficult problem, challenge, or opportunity.
Be consistent in your parenting to keep your children accountable for their actions. Explain to your child the meaning of the word consequence.
Let your child solve their problems and don't make all their decisions for them.
Don't expect your child to get all A's in every school subject. While you shouldn't expect perfection let them know you do expect them to do their best.
Always give your children the benefit of the doubt.
Trust them
Southwest Psychological Services -Christine Zych, PsyD LMFT, Marshall MN
Avera McKennan's Behavioral Health, Souix Falls SD - 605-322-8000
Countryside Public Health-Granite Falls MN - 320-564-3010
Greater Minnesota Family Services, Wilmar MN - 320-214-9692
Pact 4 Families Wilmar MN 56201, (320) 231-7030
Project Turnabout, Granite Falls MN - 320-564-4911
Western Mental Health, Marshall MN 507-532-3236