NOTE: The list of scholarships on this website are revised periodically and are subject to change.
NOTE: Hand in ONE Local Comprehensive Scholarship Application for the following scholarships. The application for these scholarship may be accessed on this website at the left or in the high school counseling office.
CANBY CO-OP CREDIT UNION – CANBY BRANCH A $500.00 scholarship to be awarded to a graduating senior who plans to advance their education at any post-secondary institution.
CANBY FARMERS GRAIN COMPANY SCHOLARSHIP Canby Farmers Grain sponsors two $500.00 scholarship to seniors entering an agricultural program at a post-secondary institution. Seniors may redeem this scholarship after they submit a transcript for the first full year of grades to Canby Farmers Grain.
CANBY LIONS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP The Canby Lions Club Scholarship is an award of $500 given to a senior and is based on scholastic and leadership ability.
MASONIC LODGE #147 SCHOLARSHIP The Masonic Lodge of Minnesota #147 is pleased to award a scholarship to a student pursuing higher education. The Masons of Minnesota affirm their faith in education and public schools by presenting a scholarship based on work habits, attitude, ideas, sense of purpose, degree of self direction, leadership, loyalty, and citizenship. This is a $500 scholarship with a matching grant from the Grand Masonic Lodge totaling $1000.
CANBY ROTARY SCHOLARSHIP Two Rotary Scholarships of $500.00 will be awarded to seniors who plan to advance his/her education during the following school term. They will be awarded to two seniors based on their past record, scholastic ability, and leadership ability.
YELLOW MEDICINE COUNTY SOYBEAN ASSN. A scholarship of $500 will be awarded to a senior who plans to advance their education in an agriculture-related field.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOLARSHIP Knights of Columbus Council #1108 will award a $500 scholarship to a Catholic student who exemplifies the Knights’ principles of unity, charity and patriotism.
AG COUNTRY FCS, MADISON BRANCH Ag Country Farm Credit Services is a financial services cooperative that provides credit and financial management services to agricultural producers and agri-businesses. The Madison office awards a $500 scholarship.
OUR SAVIOURS LUTHERAN (OSL) CHURCH SCHOLARSHIP Our Saviors Lutheran Church will award a $500 scholarship to a member of OSL.
DUANE SCHALEK WRESTLING SCHOLARSHIP A $500.00 scholarship will be awarded to a wrestler in memory of Duane Schalek who was the first wrestler from CHS to compete in the MN State High School Tournament and lifelong CHS wrestling supporter.
CANBY 4 KIDS SCHOLARSHIP A $500.00 scholarship will be awarded to a Canby Graduate that plans to attend a 2 or a 4 year college. The Canby 4 Kids (formerly Canby Jaycees) is a local non-profit organization focused on providing fun activities and opportunities to the Canby area youth.
JAY CHRISTIANSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship of $500 will be awarded to a senior active in high school athletics in memory of Jay Christianson who was a longtime supporter of the Canby High School Lancers.
BRAD NOYES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship of $1500 is awarded in memory of Brad Noyes, a 1992 grad, and 5-year varsity wrestler. He is lovingly remembered by family and friends with this scholarship.